On 25-26 November 2022 we organised a public seminar “Arts, Crafts, Affects: Documenting HerStories and Worldbuilding” with Ulrike Gerhardt in the Estonian Academy of Arts to consider. It featured Mare Tralla, Ulrike Mayer, Rufina Bazlova and Sofia Tocar (Framed in Belarus) as presenters and Katrin Kivimaa as discussant. The seminar was followed by a guided tour in the Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design by its head Kai Lobjakas and a guided tour by Jaanus Samma in his exhibition “Still Lifes on National Motifs”. Furthermore, we hosted a Framed in Belarus workshop in solidarity of the political prisoners in Belarus at the Vabamu museum of Occupations and Freedom. For more see
Arts, Crafts, Affects